Namaste, iam Gary Turner, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

What Is A Skill Floor? [Solved]

The skill floor is the skill-gate to the game, the barrier to entry. It’s not that you can’t play the game under this skill floor, but you’ll probably be unusually frustrated as the developers intended you to effortlessly be able to participate in a way that is clearly not-so-effortless for you.

Skill floor VS Skill ceiling (defining skill gap)

I’m a “casual sweat” who plays on PC and is a mouse and keyboard player (MnK). I know controller players talk unjustly amounts …


this video and thumbnail sucks leave now. Sorry if this seems rushed. It was lol. Subscribe so i can quit my minimum wage job …

Overwatch | The Hardest Hero? Skill Ceiling/Floor Discussion

In this video, we discuss hero skill ceilings and