Howdy, iam Mary Singer, I hope your day is great!

What Is An Unhealthy Room Temperature? [Solved]

A safe temperature is accepted to be between 68 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit for people above the age of 65. The temperature inside your home should not reach below 68 degrees Fahrenheit in any case, as that increases the risk of respiratory disease and even hypothermia if there is prolonged exposure.

Yogurt Is More Unhealthy Than You Think

Yogurt is a popular type of food due to its supposed health benefits. However, it might not be as healthy as it is advertised.

What Hypothermia Does To Your Body And Brain

Hypothermia: it’s something you see all too often in movies starring Leonardo DiCaprio. But what is it, exactly? And how does it …

Is Air Conditioning Making You Sick?
