Hello, iam Sandra Cardinal, Wishing you a productive day.

What Is Fr Fr Ngl? [Solved]

There is also a slightly less used “INGL”, or “I’m not going to lie”. Other slang words that might often be used in connection with or in place of “NGL” is “STW”, which is “Swear to God”. Or “FR”, which is “For Real”. Some people often use “frfr” to signify that they are serious about something.

fr fr istg frfr idk idk istg istg brb fr ngl wdym

LOL and LMAO, SMH, FFS… and all the other texting abbreviations are explained in today’s lesson! If you like the video, …

Why Is Everything Bussin Fr?

This video is bussin,

FR, FR, NGL | Jesus is Alive, He has the Victory | Ptr. Marty Ocaya

What’s the most positive thing that has ever happened in history? Join us ONLINE just this Saturday for our Holy Week Special as …