Hola, iam Thomas Wall, Hope you’re doing good!

What Is Noir Theme? [Solved]

Noir themes and moods include despair, paranoia, and nihilism; an atmosphere of claustrophobic entrapment; a nightmarish sense of loneliness and alienation; a purposelessness fostered in part by feelings of estrangement from one’s own past even as one seems to driven to a compulsive confrontation with that past (Conard

Defining Film Noir

Thanks for watching! With Spoilers From: Sunset BLVD. Notorious Chinatown Ministry of Fear https://twitter.com/JackMoviereview …

What is ‘Noir Fiction’? [Illustrated]

A dimly lit bar, a troubled detective drinking scotch straight from the bottle, and a lone saxophone playing in the background.

L.A. Noire Soundtrack - Menu Theme [HQ]

Recommendation: Listen with “Rainy Mood” in another tab! http://www.rainymood.com/