Howdy, iam John Hume, G’day, mate.

Do I Need To Clean Wood Before Oiling? [Solved]

Before applying the Danish Oil, it is important to properly clean the wood and remove any old finishes. This will ensure the oil is fully absorbed, creating an even and an attractive, natural, satin finish. To clean the wood, we recommend using a specilaist Wood Cleaner.11 Jan 2021

How To Prepare Wood - Professional tips on how to prepare wood before staining. How to prepare

Biggest wood staining mistakes and misconceptions | Wood staining BASICS

“Princess Meow-Meow’s Theme” and all the cool music on WWMM is created by Per Almered. —-AWESOME!

Using Mineral Spirits to Show Wood Grain

It’s a magic moment…when finish hits your project for the first time and the grain starts to pop, glow, show you just what you’re …