Namaste, iam Ilona Rodriguez, Take it easy.

Do Items Despawn After 5 Minutes? [Solved]

If the chunk is not loaded, the item will remain there forever until and unless the chunk loads. Once the chunk and the item inside it loads, a timer of 5 minutes (6000 in-game ticks) starts. After 5 minutes, the item disappears. If the chunk loads and then unloads, the 5-minute timer is paused.26 Jul 2022

How to STOP items despawning in Minecraft 1.12 - 1.18.2!

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ EVERYTHING In this video I show you how to stop

Will Terraria item despawn in 5 minutes? (Some pointless things in Terraria…)

Terraria is a game of creativity, and you’re most likely to create something that works for you. Well, in this video, I’ll talk about …

How Long Does It Take For Items to despawn in Minecraft Bedrock

Hello, Everyone, It’s me and welcome back to another video… Today we are seeing How Long It takes for