Howdy, iam Lucy Pack, So long!

Does Food Affect Iq? [Solved]

Our results show that nutrition is indeed one of the crucial factors in the cognitive development of children. There was a 7.3 point decrease in IQ score associated with malnutrition, a 4.69 point decrease in children who skip breakfast, and a 3.2 point decrease when children’s nutritional habits were poor.

How the food you eat affects your brain - Mia Nacamulli

When it comes to what you bite, chew and swallow, your choices have a direct and long-lasting effect on the most powerful organ …

This Diet Increased My IQ 10 Points

I have never had such clarity and consistency in my life. By applying the steps in this video and REMOVING variables I am getting …

Jordan Peterson - Controversial Facts about IQ

original source: Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson lays down facts about …